Life is too short for those of us who know what love is, for those of us who enjoys someone's company, for those of us who knows what life really is. Sometimes life is so cruel, life is so good..that is why we always pray to God every night before we sleep to give us another life, to give us more blessings, not just us but also our friends, our love ones...
But then there comes a point in our life the we need to bid goodbye to the one we love, in a way we don't expect.. in a way that hurts us the most..
I was shocked this morning when a friend of mine told me, that one of our dear friend just passed away, it was so happen that she is my dear dear friend,, we were together in Boracay, and i didn't expect that it will happen this way.. It hurts, it really hurts, maybe the reason why i am writing this now is because to lessen the pain i am feeling right now.. it really hurts to lose someone.. coz she really means a lot to me.. she's the one who knows everything bout my love life, everything about the guy i really love, and even we parted workplace we still have communication on yahoo messenger, she was the first one to buzz me on my ym when i signed in.. she love's my siomai so much, that even she's in manila and i am in trece she really wants to put an order haaay, im gonna miss her.. the text to the max, her "halu" greets on ym, her "neng" ( she used to call me that). .. i am surely gonna miss her..
I was not able to visit her at UMC , and i was also not able to go to a "quack doctor" people also knows as, Albularyo, to check if it could help her, i was so sorry.. I just want to thank you for everything.. for all the happy memories, and all the advices you've given me, for all the stories you shared with me.. thank you ate.. I hope that God will guide you to see the light, I hope that wherever you re right now you are happy, our prayers will always be with you, and you will always be inmy heart forever.. thank you!! God Bless You!..
On the picture above she's the one making the peace sign.
The lesson that i've learn is that we should always say "i love you to the one we love, for we may never know what will happens to us in the next hour, next minute or next second...
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